Astro’s Goals for 2013 – Astro Machine Works

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Happy New Year! As 2013 begins, all of us here at Astro Machine Works look forward to the year ahead. This past year, we celebrated another record year in sales and production for six years running, and since records are made to be broken, we hope to continue that in 2013. Take a quick look at Astro’s New Year’s Resolutions:

Gain more new customers: In 2012, we added over 40 new customers to our family. Our goal is to exceed that!

Heavy investments: We intend to continue with our capital investment program for our customers.

Bolster capabilities: What better way to grow our business than investing more in our machine tools and supporting software? Currently, we are looking into more manufacturing software. Additionally, we are continuing a push into larger machining capabilities for larger pieces.

Grow EDM services: As we have only delved into this business in the past twelve to fifteen months, we hope to expand our EDM capabilities and capacities.

Expand substantially: We are excited to announce our two year plan! Astro is two years away from an additional expansion, which would give us more square footage. In 2015, we plan to be operating an additional 25,000 square foot facility.

Provide manufacturing aid: Through a referral from one of our vendors, we were able to provide aid in the aftermath of Hurricane Sandy. We hope to continue to help out when needed.

In the end, we hope for a happy, busy, and successful new year, and we will work hard to ensure that we see all of our resolutions come to fruition. From all of us here at Astro Machine Works, have a happy and healthy new year and good luck with your own resolutions!

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