One-step brush-coating strategy for low-haze and water-resistant transparent wood films

Researchers found that a one-step brush-coating strategy can produce transparent wood films with low haze and high water resistance. The wood film (WF) fabricated by top-down wood nanotechnology possessed high…

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Protech Group acquires Caldwell Chemical Coatings: expanding in the liquid coatings market

Canadian coating manufacturer Protech Group has acquired Caldwell Chemical Coatings, strengthening its position in the liquid coatings sector. As part of its growth strategy, Protech Group has acquired Caldwell Chemical…

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The Future of Functional Coatings: Innovations for Energy Efficiency, Sustainability and Safety

The realm of functional coatings is undergoing a renaissance, driven by the challenges of energy efficiency, sustainability, and safety. Andre van Linden, Director of Scientific Academic Partnerships at Akzo Nobel,…

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国际时装周从纽约一直走到了巴黎,在这个国际顶尖级时尚之都上演绎一场闪耀的巴黎秋冬季时装周,在迪奥秀场,我们又看到了李冰冰的身影,穿着一神清新优雅的dior时装,手提MINI Diorissimo化身优雅名媛亮相,不过..李冰冰不是应该光顾GUCCI秀场的吗?以前的GUCCI形像代言人今年似乎与dior走得更近,前不久就秀过当季超红的新款be dior手袋呢,不过话说回来,看到冰冰的身材气质结合dior的打扮还蛮有神的,的确无比惊艳,让国际时装周的围观者看得目瞪口呆,有这样的效果不虚此行了,看来李冰冰的选择是正确的。  经常出现于国际时装周的中国明星,李冰冰与范冰冰,让国外友人傻傻分不清!李冰冰这一身清新优雅脱俗的造型,成衣服到包包一是出自迪奥,无论是内穿的连体裙及外套,还是手提的MINI Diorissimo都是很轻的浅蓝色,没有一丝多余的花纹和拼色,简约中反而营造出精致高雅的气息。  李冰冰化身优雅名媛亮相dior秀场 李冰冰化身优雅名媛亮相dior秀场 李冰冰化身优雅名媛亮相dior秀场 李冰冰化身优雅名媛亮相dior秀场 李冰冰化身优雅名媛亮相dior秀场 李冰冰化身优雅名媛亮相dior秀场 李冰冰化身优雅名媛亮相dior秀场Keyword: 外贸独立站定制

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